How To Play Dice At The Casino

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Follow Casino Etiquette. While you play, it can only benefit you to be a positive, kind, and upstanding patron—even if you're losing big time. Depending on how you bet and how the dice. Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games around as well as one of the easiest to play. Play Blackjack at The Meadows and you'll get liberal table rules that make winning even easier. Walk into almost any casino and the noisiest largest crowd is usually standing around the Craps Table. Craps or Dice is both the most popular and often the most misunderstood game in the casino. This is because it can be played in a simple straight forward manner, or made very complicated with all sorts of betting arrangements. In a live casino, a table would look something like this. The dice are rolled on the table by one of the participating players, referred to as the shooter. Typically, a new player will become the shooter at the end of each round, although one player may remain as the shooter for several in a row. The Stickman calls the game and corrals and oversees the dice during play. A fourth casino employee, the Boxman is seated in the center of the table accross from the dealer. The Boxman (usually an older gentleman dressed in sport jacket) is in charge of the casino's bank of chips and makes all final decisions in the event there is a discrepancy.

Tai Sai, or Sic Bo as it is often named, is a chinese dice game where players bet on the possible outcomes of the roll of 3 dice. It's a strategy game, a little like craps in part, where knowing the right bets to make can be the difference between winning and losing.


Tai Sai, or Sic Bo as it is often named, is a chinese dice game where players bet on the possible outcomes of the roll of 3 dice. It's a strategy game, a little like craps in part, where knowing the right bets to make can be the difference between winning and losing. Tai Sai is a very popular game in Macau and other Asian casino destinations.

The best bets on the Tai Sai or Sic Bo table have a house edge of around 2.8% – not too far different from playing single-zero roulette. But the worst bets on the Sic Bo or Tai Sai table have a house edge of around 47% – clearly you'll want to avoid those. To help you ascertain which bets carry which edge, I've interspersed those details in the Bets and Odds section. Want to play now? You can play Sic Bo (Tai Sai) for real money online.

How to Play

1. The dealer covers the come and the 3 dice spin inside the covered dome.

2. Bet on any of the combinations that you think will win by placing your chips clearly in the area marked on the table. You can bet on as few or as many areas as you like.

3. The dealer will call 'no more bets' and the cover of the dome is removed.

4. The winning areas will light up so you can see if you have won.

Bets and Odds
There are lots of ways to win on Tai Sai (Sic Bo) and the table may look confusing. Don't worry, each area is clearly marked and you can ask the dealer for help if you're not sure.

BIG and SMALL: This is a bet that the total of the three dice will either be small (4-10) or big (11-17). All big and small bets lose if a triple appears. Pays 1 to 1. (House edge 2.8%)

ODD and EVEN: This is a bet that the total of the three dice with either be odd (5,7,9…) or even (4,6,8…). All odd and even bets lose if a triple appears. Pays 1 to 1. (House edge 2.8%)

SINGLE DICE RESULT: This is a bet on what any of the three dice are going to be. If one of the dice comes up with your number, you win, and if two or all three dice come up with your number you win even more! On one dice pays 1 to 1; on 2 dice pays 2 to 1; or 3 dice pays 12 to 1. (House edge can be close to 8% – but depends on the three dice payout figure).

TWO DICE COMBINATIONS: This is a bet on what any two of the three dice will be. If the combination that you select comes in, you win! Wolf quest demo download. Pays 6 to 1. (Approx 16.7% overall house edge, depending on combination chosen)

FOUR DICE COMBINATIONS: This bet wins if three of the four numbers that you selected come up. Pays 7 to 1. (House edge not calculated – but likely 25% – 30% range)

THREE DICE TOTALS: This is a bet on the TOTAL of the 3 dice. Some of the totals pay 6 to 1, others more – right up to 62 to 1. Each casino may offer slightly different payout odds on each number. (House edge is from 9%-47% dependent upon the total chosen).

DOUBLES: This is a bet that at least two out of the three dice are going to be the same – a double. If you select a double that comes up, you win! Pays 11 to 1. (House edge about 11%)

SPECIFIC THREE DICE COMBINATIONS: Choose what the three dice will be. If you select the right combination you win 30 to 1. If the combination you select includes a double you win 60 to 1. (House edge not calculated but likely 15% – 25% range)

ANY TRIPLE: This is a bet that all dice will show the same number – a triple. With this bet you don't have to pick what the numbers will be, so long as they are all the same. Pays 31 to 1. (House edge 11%)

SPECIFIC TRIPLE: This is a bet that all three dice will be the same – a triple. You will have needed to select the specific number to win BIG! Pays 180 to 1. (House edge 16.2%)

How To Play Dice At The Casino Slots

Casino Barred's Advice
This can be a fun game to play – but you should only play it for small stakes, and for a small amount of time. To give yourself the most playing time available, stick to the low risk bets of BIG and SMALL, ODDS or EVEN – leaving all other combinations. Play this game at a reputable online casino.

Don't be an ordinary casino player – be a VIP Casino Player, and get your full entitlements and casino bonuses.

The next time you are in the casino stop and listen when you approach the table games. From the craps pit, you will probably hear whooping and hollering as you see high-fives and other animated gestures coming from the players. Craps is by far the most exciting game in the casino and the players are not afraid to let their emotions show. The game is fast moving and at times very loud. It is for this reason that craps is probably the most intimidating game to new players. If you feel this way you are not alone. Many players would like to learn how to play craps but the thought of approaching a craps table scares them.

It was a few years into my casino visits before I decided to find out what this game was all about and learn how to play craps. I knew that a pass line bet in craps with its low house edge of 1.41 percent made it one of the best bets in the casino. This gave me the incentive to take the plunge and learn how to play craps. It was a decision that I have never regretted. I love playing craps and over the years I have introduced many friends to this exciting game.

How To Play Dice At The Casino Card Game

Craps is not as confusing as it looks. It actually is an easy game to learn. An understanding of the basics of the game and how to make a passline bet will get you started on your way. You don't have to be concerned with any other of the craps bets when you begin to play craps. There are about 40 different bets that can be made on a craps layout but most of them like the proposition and hardway bets have terrible odds that you should avoid. To get started playing craps, all you need to understand is the basic passline bet

Passline Bet

A simple passline bet works like this. You place your bet on the passline before a new shooter begins his roll. This is known as the come out roll. If the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 you win. If the shooter rolls a 2, 3 or 12, you lose. If the shooter rolls any other number, that number becomes the point number. The shooter must roll that number again before a seven is rolled. If that happens, you win even money for your passline bet. If a seven is rolled before the point number is rolled again, you lose.


A new shooter rolls the dice for the first time and they land on a 4 and a 2. The total is six, which becomes the 'Point.' The dealers places a marker that looks like a hockey puck on the number 6 on the craps layout. The shooter must now roll a six before he rolls a 7. If he rolls the six, the passline bet wins and the shooter rolls again. This is a new comeout roll and the same procedure applies as the first time the shooter rolled the dice.

If the shooter rolls a seven before the six the pass line bet loses and the dice are passed to the next shooter.

Odds Bet

Once the point is established the bettor can make an additional bet behind the passline bet. This is known as the 'Odds Bet.' It is the only bet in the casino that does not have a house edge as it is paid off with true odds.

Most casinos offer double odds, which means you can make a bet twice the size of your pass line bet. If you passline bet is $5 you are allowed to make an odds bet of $10.

The odds bet is paid as following:
If the point is 4 or 10 it pays 2 to 1
If the point is 5 or 9 it pays 3 to 2
If the point is 6 or 8 it pays 6 to 5.

How To Play Dice At The Casino

Tai Sai, or Sic Bo as it is often named, is a chinese dice game where players bet on the possible outcomes of the roll of 3 dice. It's a strategy game, a little like craps in part, where knowing the right bets to make can be the difference between winning and losing. Tai Sai is a very popular game in Macau and other Asian casino destinations.

The best bets on the Tai Sai or Sic Bo table have a house edge of around 2.8% – not too far different from playing single-zero roulette. But the worst bets on the Sic Bo or Tai Sai table have a house edge of around 47% – clearly you'll want to avoid those. To help you ascertain which bets carry which edge, I've interspersed those details in the Bets and Odds section. Want to play now? You can play Sic Bo (Tai Sai) for real money online.

How to Play

1. The dealer covers the come and the 3 dice spin inside the covered dome.

2. Bet on any of the combinations that you think will win by placing your chips clearly in the area marked on the table. You can bet on as few or as many areas as you like.

3. The dealer will call 'no more bets' and the cover of the dome is removed.

4. The winning areas will light up so you can see if you have won.

Bets and Odds
There are lots of ways to win on Tai Sai (Sic Bo) and the table may look confusing. Don't worry, each area is clearly marked and you can ask the dealer for help if you're not sure.

BIG and SMALL: This is a bet that the total of the three dice will either be small (4-10) or big (11-17). All big and small bets lose if a triple appears. Pays 1 to 1. (House edge 2.8%)

ODD and EVEN: This is a bet that the total of the three dice with either be odd (5,7,9…) or even (4,6,8…). All odd and even bets lose if a triple appears. Pays 1 to 1. (House edge 2.8%)

SINGLE DICE RESULT: This is a bet on what any of the three dice are going to be. If one of the dice comes up with your number, you win, and if two or all three dice come up with your number you win even more! On one dice pays 1 to 1; on 2 dice pays 2 to 1; or 3 dice pays 12 to 1. (House edge can be close to 8% – but depends on the three dice payout figure).

TWO DICE COMBINATIONS: This is a bet on what any two of the three dice will be. If the combination that you select comes in, you win! Wolf quest demo download. Pays 6 to 1. (Approx 16.7% overall house edge, depending on combination chosen)

FOUR DICE COMBINATIONS: This bet wins if three of the four numbers that you selected come up. Pays 7 to 1. (House edge not calculated – but likely 25% – 30% range)

THREE DICE TOTALS: This is a bet on the TOTAL of the 3 dice. Some of the totals pay 6 to 1, others more – right up to 62 to 1. Each casino may offer slightly different payout odds on each number. (House edge is from 9%-47% dependent upon the total chosen).

DOUBLES: This is a bet that at least two out of the three dice are going to be the same – a double. If you select a double that comes up, you win! Pays 11 to 1. (House edge about 11%)

SPECIFIC THREE DICE COMBINATIONS: Choose what the three dice will be. If you select the right combination you win 30 to 1. If the combination you select includes a double you win 60 to 1. (House edge not calculated but likely 15% – 25% range)

ANY TRIPLE: This is a bet that all dice will show the same number – a triple. With this bet you don't have to pick what the numbers will be, so long as they are all the same. Pays 31 to 1. (House edge 11%)

SPECIFIC TRIPLE: This is a bet that all three dice will be the same – a triple. You will have needed to select the specific number to win BIG! Pays 180 to 1. (House edge 16.2%)

How To Play Dice At The Casino Slots

Casino Barred's Advice
This can be a fun game to play – but you should only play it for small stakes, and for a small amount of time. To give yourself the most playing time available, stick to the low risk bets of BIG and SMALL, ODDS or EVEN – leaving all other combinations. Play this game at a reputable online casino.

Don't be an ordinary casino player – be a VIP Casino Player, and get your full entitlements and casino bonuses.

The next time you are in the casino stop and listen when you approach the table games. From the craps pit, you will probably hear whooping and hollering as you see high-fives and other animated gestures coming from the players. Craps is by far the most exciting game in the casino and the players are not afraid to let their emotions show. The game is fast moving and at times very loud. It is for this reason that craps is probably the most intimidating game to new players. If you feel this way you are not alone. Many players would like to learn how to play craps but the thought of approaching a craps table scares them.

It was a few years into my casino visits before I decided to find out what this game was all about and learn how to play craps. I knew that a pass line bet in craps with its low house edge of 1.41 percent made it one of the best bets in the casino. This gave me the incentive to take the plunge and learn how to play craps. It was a decision that I have never regretted. I love playing craps and over the years I have introduced many friends to this exciting game.

How To Play Dice At The Casino Card Game

Craps is not as confusing as it looks. It actually is an easy game to learn. An understanding of the basics of the game and how to make a passline bet will get you started on your way. You don't have to be concerned with any other of the craps bets when you begin to play craps. There are about 40 different bets that can be made on a craps layout but most of them like the proposition and hardway bets have terrible odds that you should avoid. To get started playing craps, all you need to understand is the basic passline bet

Passline Bet

A simple passline bet works like this. You place your bet on the passline before a new shooter begins his roll. This is known as the come out roll. If the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 you win. If the shooter rolls a 2, 3 or 12, you lose. If the shooter rolls any other number, that number becomes the point number. The shooter must roll that number again before a seven is rolled. If that happens, you win even money for your passline bet. If a seven is rolled before the point number is rolled again, you lose.


A new shooter rolls the dice for the first time and they land on a 4 and a 2. The total is six, which becomes the 'Point.' The dealers places a marker that looks like a hockey puck on the number 6 on the craps layout. The shooter must now roll a six before he rolls a 7. If he rolls the six, the passline bet wins and the shooter rolls again. This is a new comeout roll and the same procedure applies as the first time the shooter rolled the dice.

If the shooter rolls a seven before the six the pass line bet loses and the dice are passed to the next shooter.

Odds Bet

Once the point is established the bettor can make an additional bet behind the passline bet. This is known as the 'Odds Bet.' It is the only bet in the casino that does not have a house edge as it is paid off with true odds.

Most casinos offer double odds, which means you can make a bet twice the size of your pass line bet. If you passline bet is $5 you are allowed to make an odds bet of $10.

The odds bet is paid as following:
If the point is 4 or 10 it pays 2 to 1
If the point is 5 or 9 it pays 3 to 2
If the point is 6 or 8 it pays 6 to 5.

A passline bet is the simplest bet you can make on at the craps table and it will get you on your way to playing this exciting game.

How To Play Street Dice

How Do You Play Dice

An easy way to learn how to play craps is to take advantage of the free lessons offered by many of the casinos. The instruction will give you the basics and also show you some of the table etiquette that will make you feels more comfortable approaching the table.

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